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The Star Spangled Banner (easy electric version)

Here’s a quick lesson on how to play “The Star Spangled Banner” for electric guitar. I’ve taught this version to many beginner guitar students, and they’ve had a blast playing it this way.

This version is played on the 1st string alone which simplifies things quite a bit. The melody has a wide range, but it can be played freely with a variety of fingerings and even with only one finger!

If you’ve been playing for a while, you can try adding your own nuances to the melody by adding things like…

  • Legato Techiniques (hammer-ons, pull-offs, slides, and tapping)
  • Tremelo Picking
  • String Bending
  • Vibrato
  • Whammy Bar Techniques
  • Distortion and/or other effects

I deliberately kept the melody simple to allow for my students to express themselves as their technique and musicality develops. Give me a shout out if you post it on social media; I’d love to hear how you play it. Happy shredding and woodshedding!